Line-X Protective Coatings Ltd have just unveiled the custom built Line-X Roadshow Trailer. The trailer is equipped with Line-X graphics, samples and brochures and will be available free of charge to all Line-X dealers wishing to attend trade, motor and county shows. It can be towed by a standard 4×4 pickup (with a Line-X bedliner of course) and can be set up and dismantled in a matter of minutes
It made its debut at the Mid Devon Show near Tiverton in attendance with Line-X (Tiverton) Ltd on Sat 23 July 05. Line-X Tiverton also had two pickups on display of which one was the Demonstrator from JFE Nissan Exeter that had been sprayed with Line-X two days earlier. Neil Whitton, Branch Manager for Line-X Tiverton reports that the show was a real success with 4 confirmed bookings for a Line-X spray-on bedliner taken at the show and the promise of many more to come.
The Line-X Roadshow will be attending the North Devon Show on Weds 03 Aug 05 along with Line-X Tiverton and will be offering a potential customers a chance to see first hand why Line-X is fast becoming the No.1 choice for spray-on bedliners in the UK.
The Line-X Roadshow will then head north to Line-X (Gateshead) Ltd, where Andrew and his team will be attending the North East Motor Show at Herrington County Park on the 6th and 7th Aug. So why not call in a see for yourselves how Line-X can help protect your vehicle.